West Nusa Tenggara dominated by 2 main islands of Lombok and Sumbawa and hundreds of small islands spread around them.
Generally those island are fertile and rich of mineral, flora and fauna.
Lombok Island extends more less 80 KM from west to east of the island and the length of it is about 300 KM, so the width of West Nusa Tenggara entirely is about 2.015,15 square KM with 3.400.000 people.There are 4 ethnic groups in West Nusa Tenggara but almost 90% of them are Sasak ethnic group and have religion of moslem.

Mataram is the capital of the province which has in the past decades joined with Ampenan, the port, and Cakranegara to become the province's biggest urban complex.At around the beginning of the 18th century, Mataram was the residence of the crown prince of Karang Asem, a kingdom in southern Bali.
The ruler himself had his seat in Cakranegara.
The royal palace no longer exists, but many of the old temples and pleasure gardens are still there. Lombok's biggest Balinese temple is the Pura Meru in Cakranegara.

The former palace the Bima sultanate. The building is now being turned into a museum. Dara s village two kilometers from the town of Bima in eastern Sumbawa, is belieaves to have been the seat of the anchient Bim kingdom.




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